Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Meg brought up a great point at tonight's Joos meeting....As we think about what we are putting into our bodies, what are we putting on our bodies?? What products do you use? Especially during a cleanse one should be aware of the products you put on your skin that ultimately end up being absorbed into your body.

So I did a little research :

  • The average person uses over 100 different ingredients on their body every day
  •  Synthetic chemicals can overwhelm our natural body detox pathways and disrupt its delicate hormone balance - leaving it weakened and vulnerable to germs and disease. 
  • Over 90% of the ingredients used in every day cosmetics (like shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, perfumes, fingernail polish, moisturizers, makeup, etc.) have never been tested for safety by any publicly accountable organization.(Such as the FDA)

More on Safe Cosmetics

Make sure your soap, shampoo etc is paraben, phthalate, and sulfate free. Try and go one step further and give your hair a break by skipping the hair dryer or straightener.

Here are some links to homemade bath products and other chemical free products~
Baby Shampoo by Mustela
Lavender Bath Salts Recipe
Dr Bronner Soap

more to come...

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